5 must-have sewing supplies for beginners

If you’re just getting into sewing and not quite sure what you need, here’s a list of essential supplies that will get you underway.

Sewing Machine

Obvious but it’s essential. If you’re looking to purchase a sewing machine I’d recommend looking for one that has a range of different stitches, the most important ones being a straight stitch and zig zag stitch, also ensuring the machine has different types of feet, like an invisible zipper foot and/or one sided foot. Stick to well known brands like Brother, Singer & Janome.

Fabric scissors

Invest in good quality scissors and only use them on fabric to keep the quality high. Know the different types of scissors and their uses, like the rotary cutter and snips. Figure out what works best for you and take good care of them.

Straight pins

Use nice and sharp pins to help keep your fabric in place as you sew. There are plenty of different types of pins but I always go for glass head pins. It also depends on the fabrication you’re using, if your sewing with stretch fabric you would want to use a ball point pin instead because it has a slightly rounded point making it easier to slide inbetween the threads of the fabric without breaking them.

Seam ripper/unpicker

You’re going to make a mistake at some point and having on of these on hand will be a life saver! So if you accidentally sewing the wrong pattern pieces together you can easily, and fairly quickly unpick the stitches without ruining the fabric.


You might think you don’t need an iron but trust me your project will come out 10x cleaner and more professional if you use one throughout the process. Staring with ironing your fabric to remove and crinkles to ensure you cut perfectly flat pattern pieces, then ironing throughout the sewing process, like pressing seam allowances opened or closed.

There are other supplies that can help you at the beginning of you sewing journey but these ones will get you started.

Let me know what’s you most essential sewing tool!


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